Privacy Policy

Purpose and scope

nb&a group respects every individual’s legal right to privacy. The purpose of this policy is to inform how nb&a group collects, stores and uses information relating to individuals. This policy is informed by the Privacy Act 1988 and nb&a group’s obligations are set out in full in the Australian Privacy Principles which are contained in Schedule 1 of the Privacy Act. Further information is available on the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) website at

This policy is intended to inform nb&a group’s procedures and applies to all employees, including contractors and students.

Responsibility for implementing

It is the responsibility of every nb&a group employee to ensure compliance with this policy. Where an employee is unsure of their obligations under this policy, or requires information to access any information, the principal consultant or general manager should be contacted for clarification of any issues.

For the purpose of this policy, definitions are provided:

  • Personal information is information, or an opinion, about an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether or not that information or opinion is recorded in some way, and whether or not the information or opinion is true. Personal information collected by nb&a group includes contact details, educational qualifications and personal history, including injury and workplace details.
  • Sensitive information is part of personal information and includes information nb&a group may collect such as racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, criminal record or health information.
  • Solicited information is personal information about an individual that nb&a group takes active steps to collect.
  • Unsolicited information is personal information about an individual that nb&a group has not requested but receives in some other way.
  • Health records are part of personal and sensitive information and include information or an opinion about a person’s health or disability.
  • Consent is a voluntary and informed agreement that is current and specific and given by an individual with capacity to understand and communicate their consent.


Collection and use of personal information by nb&a group:

  • may be required to enable provision of services as per fee and service schedules
  • enables conducting satisfaction surveys and soliciting service feedback
  • will not be disclosed for any purpose without express permission of the individual and will not be disclosed to other organisations, noting this may impact on service delivery standards.

Storage, access and retention of personal information by nb&a group:

  • will be undertaken as part of database/records management which is securely monitored and maintained
  • will not be made available to a third party, unless it is legally required and verified, without the consent of the individual who provided the personal information
  • will be made available for auditing by the regulatory authority (e.g. RTWSA, Comcare) or for other legal requirements (FOI), provided reasonable notice has been given and legal procedure has been followed
  • will be adjusted where the information is incorrect and/or circumstances change and such alterations will be in compliance with the corrected information provided by the individual
  • will be securely stored (electronic and hard copies)
  • will be destroyed where it is no longer legally required to be held.


  • Where an employee has concerns regarding the privacy of personal information, the employee may make a formal complaint to the principal consultant or general manager who will review the matter and address the complaint appropriately.

Sources of information:

  • directly from workers, employers or business organisations
  • media reports, publications and world wide web.

Access rights and contact details:

  • nb&a group reserves the right to charge a nominal fee if required for the retrieval of information requested.